The Foundation is committed to understanding the roots and consequences of structural inequity for historically underserved groups within Detroit, the community we serve, and, consistent with our mission, to continuing to focus our grantmaking strategies to address historical and current structural issues that limit opportunities for Detroiters, including, in particular, racial inequity. The Foundation is also committed to expend the time, effort and resources necessary to develop our internal Diversity, Equity and Inclusion capacity, and to support policies and programs that increase opportunity for all. We, Trustees and staff, strive to be active and consistent champions for equity, acting with humility and a recognition that this work requires continual learning.

The language in this statement is derived in large part from a helpful self-assessment tool utilized by the Hudson-Webber Foundation Board to gauge its DEI competency and commitments. See Council of Michigan Foundation’s Equity: Is Your Foundation Ready to Invest in Building Opportunity for All – (2016)